Paint along with David Halliwell

Somewhere in Yorkshire 

The first thing was to cover the whole board with a wash of colour. I used emulsion paint mixed with gouache to do this as it costs less than using permanent white, it is water based and mixes readily.

The small match pots are very handy and come in a good range of shades and tints.

The next step is to trace the drawing onto the board, using trace down sheets.

You may need to zoom in to see this.

Some blocking in of colour, at this stage fairly loose and not at all detailed.

The platform building is taking shape as is the viaduct. These are merely ‘undercoat’ colours as it is important to get paint on the board.









More paint on the viaduct and the colours have been strengthened. This is done by overpainting using a darker shade. Although it is not apparent some more work has been done to the sky.








The viaduct is now beginning to take shape, with light tones for where the street lamp will be. The parapet and brick columns are still ‘undercoats’, the final detail still to be added.

No work has started on the roadway yet.












The roadway has had a wash of colour and the cobbles and pavement applied.

The building on the corner is a public house and the windows have now been given some detail.











Locomotive and wagons make their appearance, you can see how the painting is building up from left to right.











Locomotive and wagons completed, some additions to the platform lights just above the wagons.








Attention has returned to the roadway with the addition of a car and street lamp, some extra detail on the platform lights












Figures on the platform, a gentleman reading his paper and another checking his watch. A man strolls to the car while a lady struggles home with her shopping bags. The viaduct now has brick detail.









The finished painting. Smoke and steam on the locomotive and a foggy effect which was achieved by scumbling some oil paint. I used oil paint because there was little chance of it reactivating the gouache.